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“Oh…” Nothing else came to mind, but after a moment she added. She dragged in a slow breath, thinking that telling her this had probably been hard for Drew. Violet tensed for a moment, hearing it caught her off guard. “I can stay here, if you want,” he offered, his voice softer than before, “I don’t have anywhere to be.” He grabbed what he was looking for, and a couple other bottles he thought might be useful. ‘If we can get your fever down, you might be able to sleep the rest of your symptoms off.” Drew handed her two pills and a bottle of water. But even the thought of her getting started in the first place brought up strange feelings that were easier to put away when he didn’t beat around the bush. “Sounds like you also have the flu, though.” Drew pushed himself from the bed to search through her medicine drawer. He was extremely proud of her for trying to quit. He held the tips of her fingers in his palm, sort-of examining them as he listened. “No,” he said, locking eyes with her, “I’m just a former addict who’s the son of adicts, so I know a withdrawal when I see one.” He didn’t mean to sound so blunt. What did they add now?”ĭrew noticed his gritted teeth and quickly relaxed his jaw as a fake smile plastered over his lips.

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“A paper in Victorian literature and it’s influence on post modern writers.” The brunette quirked an eyebrow. It’s called Six of Crows.” She rolled her eyes. “Oh it was a YA but a pretty good one at that. “Is it? Considering how fashionable Adderall and Ritalin arw with wayward students now I would’ve thought you’d encourage Red Bull.” She joked, drinking the whole glass in two big gulps. “Please tell me it’s wedenseday because otherwise I stayed up all night writing that freaking paper for nothing because I had another day to do it…” Her eyes went to the glass and she smirked at him. “It’s Wednesday isn’t it?” Violet could feel herself starting to freak out. He stared at Violet as if she’d grown another head. “ Today isn’t Thursday?” Atticus asked softly and rubbed at his eyes, finally focusing on all that Violet had said and feeling the worry set over his mind. “Drink this now, please.” He placed his own glass of water in front of her. “You shouldn’t drink that, it’s poison.” Atty replied solemnly… forgetting for a moment that he still had a new pack of cigarettes tucked away in his briefcase. “What was the book about? And the paper, for that matter.” After asking for another glass and two coffees, he sighed. “Every year I think I’m close to finishing, they add another seven steps to get Certified.” “Well as long as you want to stay, I’m happy to be with you.” Her eyes traveled from the ceiling and down to his face, suddenly realizing how close they actually were. “Wow next time take me with you, I always forget about those and regret it later. “Thank you, that’s the best thing I’ve heard today.” Her eyes fluttered, she felt like she might fall asleep at any minute, but she also wanted to talk to Drew. “Well if it’s Karma I’m gonna have to make some deep reflecting to make sure this doesn’t happy again.” Violet murmured, pulling the blanket closer to her. Drew turned to face her, fighting the urge to move the stray hair from her face. “I’d rather be here with you.”

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I’m not too worried about it,” he told the ceiling. He let his head fall back next to her, picking out spots on her ceiling to stare to distract himself from the uncomfortable feeling he got watching her suffer. “I’ve had the flu shot this year. And last time I checked, you aren’t.” Drew sat cross legged against the foot of the couch. “Yeah,” he agreed, watching her reach for the box. “Maybe it’s karma.” He bit his lip, mentally kicking himself for being a dick about it. “You’ll be okay.

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